Imagine ... BEing emPowering and emPowered,
TRUSTing Your Instincts, Your Inner Feminine Wisdom,
Own Your Space and not be labeled a Jerk, a F@%# Up, aBarracuda,
a Nag,
a Control Freak, a Pleaser, Undependable
or feeling Compulsive, Fearful, Needy
Ever Again, by simply learning to instantly DIAL-IN the
4 Color Styles with every Person in every Area of Your Life!
Monday, 12:46 PM PDT
From the Desk of ... Mary Robinson Reynolds
Dear Accomplished, Heart-Connecting accomplished women and really smart men ...
Any of this sound familiar?
- Even as Spiritually Evolved as you are feeling from the inner work you've been doing that no matter how hard you try, you just don't get the RESPECT you feel you deserve!
- You stand up for yourself, have boundaries and people label you a CONTROLLING!
- You say YES to too many people and then end up being told you are UNDEPENDABLE.
- You SEE things differently than others and when you try to explain your position they look at you like YOU ARE CRAZY!
- You explained in great detail - until you are BLUE IN THE FACE - and still, they are not following your directions.
- You are told you are "just a COMPLAINER" when you have VALID CONCERNS that are necessary to address.
- You're husband is PASSIVE / AGRESSIVE and never does what he says he's going to do, when he says he's going to do it.
- You have a child who is a PAIN IN THE BUTT and nothing you've tried works!
- You struggle with how your adult children have no ambition and are making a mess of their lives. You try every day to get them to GET IT - get it figured out - but you are still financially supporting them.
- You have to work with the Boss or Co-Worker from Hell and there's no way to hold your own power and not get fired ...or even worse - talked about behind your back!
- You feel used and abused by others almost every day of your life.
- You've been nominated to LEAD/MANAGE the committee and you are finding there are too many bosses going too many directions to get anything done that you've asked them to do!
- You manage the house and work with very little help from anyone else.
- You are a teacher and you just found out that you've got the school's notorious BIGGEST, BADDEST Class for the upcoming year and you are already exhausted!
- You speak from the HEART, but every time you try to help you get shut down or are on the receiving end of hurtful BACKLASH remarks.
- You long to be able in a harmonious, loving and fun relationship with your spouse and all of your loved ones, but right now it's nothing but an exhausting disconnect.
- All of this Relationship DISTRACTION (and suffering) is - without a doubt - keeping you from ACTUALIZING your PURPOSE, your Passion ... developing your Gifts and Your Talents and REALIZING Your Dreams?
If any of this rings true, then I have a special treat for you.
I'd like to invite you to my 'Up Close & Personal' Connecting with Colors® SYNERGIZE (Every Relationship In) Your Life 4 Color Personality Styles Program, designed for heart-connecting, accomplished women and really smart men that will Get YOU More of what you Want and less of what you don't want in each of the 7 Areas of Your Life:
After growing up in the age of the feminist movement (and no, I did not burn my bra!) and having participated in the early Assertiveness Training for Women, followed with adapting to the "Be all that you can Be" military, masculine motto for my life...
... After 20 years of succeeding professionally but struggling deeply in relationships in my 20s & 30s ...
I broke the code to SYNERGIZING all of my significant relationships never to be daunted by intense people or situations again.
While developing my Connecting with Colors Personality Styles 'Skill Set,' I blended a family, dealt with the 'old school' parenting styles of former spouses and their new spouses, and through it all co-raised 3 emotionally healthy, successful, happy and spiritually connected children who are now prosperous adults. AND my second husband and I have now been married 20 years!
I have been where many women are today, and I want to help anyone who is struggling to quickly pop out of relational pain, suffering and loss once and for all, so you can enJOY ALL that life is offering.
In just the past few years, I have been privileged to welcome over 100,000 women and men to from countries all over the world. Women and men coming together to activate their Instinctual Wisdom so that we can ALL begin to flourish and thrive in unprecedented ways to Make A Peaceful, Positive Difference.
There is a feeling I get from this global community that we are here to make a huge impact in healing generational legacies of pain in our society, in THIS moment.
We sense it, we feel it ...the SYNERGY of women and men stepping more fully in their greatness and collaborating together - with the feminine and the masculine - to create an ever growing shift in transformation and growth.
Discover the Transformational Synergy of Personality Color Styles
to Create Harmonious Relationships at Work, Home
& Absolutely Everywhere
Here's what happened in developing my Color Styles:
My twenties and thirties felt like someone running their fingernails down the Blackboard of my soul.
I tried really hard in my first marriage to figure out what my husband wanted and to be as perfect and as desirable of a woman as I could be so he would not stray.
I stressed out over almost everything he did with how he conducted himself around other women and how he managed our finances, because it felt to me like he could easily lose control and so it was my job to manage everything that I possibly could so that he would want to be with me.
When he would arrive home from work I would instantly check in on his "mood meter" to try to figure out what kind of day he and if we would be able to enjoy some together time that night!
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to get what I needed and wanted most from him: Love, companionship and fidelity.
On the other hand I was tremendously empowered and successful professionally. I was incredibility skilled and calling out the best in ALL of my students and creating success with thousands of other people's children. 100% of my students thrived and produced at high levels in my classrooms. On the other hand, my personal life was incredibly painful, lonely and filled with angst.
I got my Masters in Educational Psychology Counseling & Development largely because I LOVED kids and I wanted ALL of them to be successful, and partly because I was trying to figure out my own first marriage.
What I remember most about that time period is that I felt stressed all the time about my marriage and would he be faithful to me, would he love me and want to spend time with me?
And, as you've probably guessed by now, through a series of painful life altering events, we ended up divorced.
Fast forward five years, I'd began a very rigorous spiritual study and in following my Inner Guidance System - IGS - I said YES to my bigger purpose and passion and I'd become an author and a professional speaker traveling around the country speaking and training running my own business.
I met, loved and married a wonderful man from church, who enjoyed spending lots of time with me and who I knew would always be faithful. We shared interests in many of the same things and yet communication was very difficult between us.
We were blending two families and just because we were both divorced didn't mean we didn't still didn't have a lot of communication to do.
Instead of dealing with just ONE spouse, we were now coordinating, communicating, arranging schedules between SIX adults and a total of SIX children spread throughout THREE families and each with their own schedules! There were as many parenting styles as there were parents.
The biggest disagreements were between my now husband and myself about parenting. And it was intense, until that fateful day, when I at long last OWNED my SPACE about it - being the Professional Child & Family Psychologist that I was - I FINALLY claimed my EXPERTISE on the subject and FINALLY he respected that and decided he really could learn a new way of parenting that would not do to our children what was done to us!
Part of the problem was that I had NEVER OWNED my professional expertise. Another part of the problem was how we had both been raised by harsh and hurtful Old School Parenting Style parenting and the biggest problem OF ALL was the differences in our Personality Styles that neither of us realized.
I was trying to convince him that he should parent differently from my BLUE Color Style and as a RED Color Style, he had ZERO confidence that I had a clue about a kinder and incredibly effective way to parent that I was modeling for him that he totally minimized, dismissed and did not believe would work!
You've heard of books and programs titled: UNDERSTAND YOUR MAN ... well honey, it was time to UNDERSTAND YOUR OWN COLOR STYLE in combination with EVERY Man, Woman & Child's COLOR STYLE because that's where good things start to happen for everyone involved!
My Introduction to Personality Styles
My introduction to personality styles began in 1994 when I was about to begin working as a seminar trainer for a National Seminar company. I studied the presentation of a seasoned trainer during a full-day seminar entitled, How To Deal With Difficult People. I loved an opening he used:
Do you work with a difficult person?
Do you live with a difficult person?
Are you the difficult person?
We each took a personality test in our workbooks and then the speaker began his humorous interpretation of each of the styles. This particular assessment was created by Virginia Satir and it included personalities styles labeled: Blamer, Placater, Computer, Distracter and Leveler.
The speaker had the entire audience laughing until they cried. He had me laughing too, at first, but then I gradually became more and more agitated about what I understood my husband's style to be.
By the time I got home that night, I was so upset about my husband's personality style that it launched us into another round of our same old, redundant argument about who said what to whom that wasn't OK.
Both of us ended up being upset, exhausted and needing a "time out" to our separate corners of the house.
I had taken other personality assessments before, like Myers-Briggs. It was very extensive, but actually too thorough and complicated for a "keep it simple" person like me. I remembered nothing, and I didn't integrate anything from it that I could readily apply.
Many years after, I found myself in a position where I would be training personality styles using the Virginia Satir's Profile. Her instrument was in every one of the workbooks I would be using to conduct seminars: Dealing with Difficult People Seminar, Leadership Seminar, Powerful Communications for Women Seminar and Team Building Seminar.
That night, in my corner of the house, I made a decision. Once again, the power of the label - in this case the Personality Styles - and the inflammatory effects on the person receiving the "label" offered me the opportunity to turn sarcastic and demoralizing labels into energetically neutral descriptions that were empowering and transformative.
As I designed my personal interpretation of the various Personality Styles in the marketplace nearly twenty years ago, I simply turned the information around. I re-labeled and refined all of the descriptions using very specific, affirmative language, adding a light, humorous spin so people would be able to feel the RELIEF of a new understanding of themselves and others!
Over the next two years, I delivered my own Personality Styles Profile and program to over 20,000 people in every major city of the United States while contracting with the National Seminar company.
In field-testing my newly designed program, I was able to learn many significant things about what happened in my first marriage and what I could now understand in my second marriage.
Everyone has a certain percentage of every color in them, and you will see some part of yourself in every description. There are no right or wrong answers on the Personality Profile. There is no color better than any other color.
"Connecting with Colors®
'SYNERGIZE Your Life' System"
You're about to learn my clear, PROVEN, 5-PART System which teaches you EXACTLY how to
SYNERGIZE every relationship in your life ... in 30 seconds or less!
Whether you're a newbie at personality style descriptions, understanding and application or experienced with another version of personality styles, you'll discover strategies and tips designed to help you SYNERGIZE day-to-day OR difficult - if not impossible - situations again and again. All you need to do is follow my paint-by-numbers system to see these results in YOUR every relationship in your Life!
This is ALL NEW and UPDATED. After all, you already know things have changed. What used to work doesn't have the same impact. That's why you need the NEW and IMPROVED system that is working NOW.
Here's just a SAMPLING of what you'll discover when you dig into this system:
Part #1 -Color Styles Strengths and how they can become your Problematic Area
How can a strength be problematic?
Well, does any of this sound like you?
You're an accomplished, smart individual. You know it because you are realizing your creative gifts and talents, and succeeding professionally in ways that are fulfilling and making a difference in the lives of some many, and yet...
҉ You find yourself spending so much time and energy getting everyone at home and at work on the same page. Communication is difficult at best, making sure everyone has heard you and are going to do their parts. Then there is follow up and follow through!
҉ Like many accomplished heart connecting individuals, you may also feel overwhelmed by how much energy your personal relationships are requiring.
҉ You may still experience a confusing and frustrating gap between the rich possibilities you sense for your life vs. the reality of your lived experience and what you have been able to manifest.
Why is it that, in spite of all our accomplishments and years of personal and spiritual growth work, we haven't been able to access the power we need to truly flourish and thrive in life AND enJOY harmonious, loving relationships too?
Most of us think that the reason we've been unable to simply enJOY the Journey is because we don't have enough money, time, support, education or the right and perfect life partner match. Yet, the truth is this:
We are inadvertently coming AT the situations in our lives from one Color Style: Our Own! And generally speaking it is most likely that we are coming from our Strength which is problematic when it conflicts with their strengths!
The fact that we,re still struggling to have vibrant relationships and create meaningful, inspired lives is not a personal failure. It's actually a collective problem we,re facing together as women and men, as we evolve more and more into being all that we love being. Not what we think we HAVE to be, but what we LOVE being: Women with choices to actualize what we want in the Areas of our Lives that we are drawn to.
Not only does constant upset DE-ENERGIZE us and affect our health and well-being, it will directly affect our ability to financially flourish. When our emotional systems are taxed every day by constant discord, it creates a debt energetically which then can impact our financial resources, i.e., impulsive financial decisions, getting fired, etc.
A harmonious, trustful state of mind is essential to gain freedom from indebtedness, and for collecting debts owed you by others. You will note on every hand that inharmonious people work very hard for their prosperity. Financial well-being is repelled by the energy of in harmony.
To have an abundantly RICH LIFE, you must be synergistic in every single one of the 7 Life Areas.
And this is just one of the many important reasons why I've put together this easy to understand, remember and immediately apply Color Style Program covering each of the 7 Life Areas for you to begin SYNERGIZING EVERY RELATIONSHIP IN YOUR LIFE so you can BE, DO & HAVE all that you've longed for and more...
Each Color Strengths are ...
- BLUEs are knowledge based and ask questions in order to have time to assess alternatives and problems. They do not like to be pressured into rapid action.
- GREENs turn "what if" ideas into creative systems and benefits. They are reserved, cautious & they make decisions only after careful evaluation.
- REDs are direct and want a straight forward approach with focus and short term goals and immediate results. They are great delegaters.
- YELLOWs are accommodating, flexible, want to be consulted as to their opinion and must feel an integral part of the group. They are highly creative and fun!
And that's just a very small sampling their Strengths ...we've still got their Intellect, Motto, Problematic Area and Little Quirk to go yet!
"Mary's techniques are the best I've ever seen!"
"Thank you so much for the team training you provided our Customer Services staff on July 21-22.
You homed right in on the issues we had discussed. The outcome now will be determined by the individuals. I also appreciate the hints you've provided to myself and the managers as to helping us understand our staff better.
It has been a pleasure to work with you and I wish you well in the future.
To Your Potential Client:
I first heard Mary speak about a year ago. I was very impressed with her ability to 'touch' the audience. Her techniques are some of the best I've ever seen and her sincerity is so clear that no one can misconstrue it as being contrived.
As time went by and I made some adjustments in our support center organization structure, I realized we had varying levels of skill when the employees were involved in team oriented situations.
I called Mary. We discussed the kinds of issues I was seeing, and she customized a one and a half day team training session that was delivered in July. It went very well. Mary continues to follow-up and is available if I or the managers have questions.
I highly recommend Mary Reynolds to you. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me!"
Sally Phares
University and Community College Systems of Nevada
System Computing Services |
Part #2 - 3-Step Dance for POPPING people out of Relational Suffering
Stop exhausting yourself with giving advice day after day that people don't take anyway! This is a CRUCIAL piece to get right.
It's just a Simple 3 STEP DANCE:
Step 1: Stop, Look, Listen for the Color Style of the person
in the problematic situation
Step 2: Offer Color Style "I wonder if ..." this person could be
a Red? Blue? Green? Yellow?
Step 3: Now, explain that the solution will come from Dialing
'that' person 's Color Style
Seriously folks, the most problematic thing we do to each other every day is give our advice whether solicited or unsolicited because it actually leaves us de-energized, exhausted or worse yet, we run for the hills when we see certain people headed our way.
The beauty of this 3 Step Dance is that you really do get to contribute, but in a way that empowers people and gets them on their way into more productive thought processes and attempts a communicating their heart's desires, wants and needs without getting slammed, humiliated, re-buffed or blown off!
"...thought I might not find a lot in the training I could use. I was wrong."
"Mary is very proficient. I am nearing retirement age and thought I might not find a lot in the seminar I could use. I was wrong! I realize now I have the rest of my life to use the image and communication skills she displayed today."
Betty M. Nichols
Judicial Assistant
Idaho Supreme Court
" has helped gel mega amounts of information."
"Mary, I thought you would like to know that your seminar has made a difference in me. It has helped gel mega amounts of information that I have been feeding to myself for the last year or so. I feel as if I have a handle on knowing what I want and how to attain it."
Theresa D. Us
Network of Executive Women |
Part #3 - Color Combos: Aligning your Predominant & Secondary Colors
About Your Secondary Colors
You are welcome to listen in - right now - to my COMPLIMENTARY PREVIEW CALL, you will learn the descriptions of your predominant color, but then you may think, "Well, but I also seem to do it this other way," then it is your secondary color that may be now jumping into the conversation, trying to control the situation (or to soften or strengthen) your primary color.
In regard to your second highest color, keep in mind as you are learning the Color Style descriptions of each color, that your second highest color may also be involved in your conversations right alongside your primary color.
This is why so many women are told that they are Wishy-Washy, labeled a Dr. Jekyll & Ms. Hyde, a Drama Queen, too Sensitive, too Emotional because we really do change Color Style Hats and people see us in one Life Area and then the see us in the next and it seems like we are TWO different people. But we are not.
Women in particular adapt to Life's situations AND THE GOOD NEWS IS that when you learn how to DIAL IN other people's Color Styles it won't MATTER what Color Style you are in or not in because you will be SYNERGIZING the situation beautifully!
"Mary's PSPs have really helped me to not feel left out emotionally."
"I've been studying different personality type indicators for years and most are pretty complex. Mary's program breaks it down to simple, yet quite accurate, color styles. I'm kind of a raging Yellow and I discovered that my husband is totally Green. In learning about Greens, I discovered WHY he always wants to do projects by himself. It's not because he doesn't want to include me, it's just that he truly believes he has a better way, doesn't delegate well and doesn't need my far out ideas! And then when I voice my idea anyway, and he feels criticized, I remember that he's neurologically wired this way and now I can easily explain that to him and in fact hold back when his way is working just fine. He apparently criticizes himself enough for the both of us! This knowledge has really helped me to not feel left out emotionally. Mary's Personality Style Profile (PSP) has helped me with my Blue friends and my Red boss too. I intend to make a living out of sharing Mary's Color Styles with others to spread the knowledge and create more peace in the world!"
Maureen Ross Gemme,
CWC SYL Participant |
Part #4 - Color Style Hats of the 7 Life Areas:
Work, Home, Parent/Teaching 'Tween & Teens, Love, Sex & Money, Leading/Managing, Sales
There's more that began to get uncovered as I was traveling around the United States speaking and training. There started to be a realization that the women and men in my audiences were asking if they could change colors between Home and Work.
Not only do many women and men change Color Style Hats between Home and Work but also in Love and even again in raising children! So I began developing the Personality Style Profiles in the 7 Life Areas:
My second marriage? Well, not only did we get our Color Styles communication figured out, instinctually DIALING IN the Color Styles all these years has allowed me to OWN MY SPACE as I would change Hats between a GREEN Run & Gun getr' done "driver" to a BLUE who wanted sweet talking romance which was terribly confusing to my husband because he never knew for sure who he was coming home to. Run & Gun DRIVER one minute, Cuddly-Wuddly sweet talker the next.
AND the different Color Style Hats explained so much about how my husband would go from straight RED during the work day, but when he was done with work, he went into total YELLOW and did NOT want any responsibilities around the house, totally checking out from any and all forms of getting anything done - he'd walk into the kitchen to do the dishes and forget why he was there and start putsing on some Mr. Fix-it type thing that didn't need to be done!
Thanks to figuring out the 4 Color Style Combos and Hats, we successfully co-raised three competent
, capable, amazing children who have blessed us beyond our greatest imaginings, and who are able to HOLD THEIR OWN in healthy, communicative ways.
We celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary this year AND we live, love, dance, ride motorcycles, jet ski, snowmobile and, oh yeah together in our business 24/7/365 days a year, every year!
"I wish I had taken Mary's Life Area PSPs years ago."
"At the start of my Connecting with Colors Facilitator Certification Training program that I took from Mary, I took both the Home and the Work Personality Style Profile – PSPs. Although from the training I had a good idea of my Predominant Style, I was curious what my Secondary Color Styles were. I was shocked to find out that - while I knew I was a Yellow - in fact a very bright and shiny Yellow - in the work world, at Home I was a Predominant Red! "What?! I'm a Red Mom?!" Taking that PSP - Personality Sytle Profile - opened my eyes as to how I was communicating at home!
It made so much sense! After all these years of raising children, I finally "got it" why my own kids didn't think I was as much fun as everybody else on the planet. And the bullhorn I used at school in a fun, and entertaining way wasn't so much fun when I used it to get their butts out of bed in the morning! Go Figure! The awareness from taking that PSP began my process of "dialing in" to their colors. It has really improved the communication in our home! And I can still have fun with mybullhorn!"
Michelle Fought,
Certified CWC Facilitator |
"Fun-packed ...full of fantastic ideas you can put to work for you..."
"Wow! What a wonderful, powerful way to learn to communicate . . . AND have a great time too! Fun-packed seminar full of fantastic ideas you can put to work for you anywhere, any time AND with anyone! Very entertaining presenter!"
Rita Singleton
Admin Assist.
" a seminar leader she's GREAT!"
"Mary Robinson Reynolds is such an inspiration to me. As a seminar leader she's GREAT! She reminded me of a great speaker by the name of Barbara DeAngelos."
Aida Fields
Admin. Assist.
"Very powerful, riveting seminar!"
"Mary is very dynamic and expressive. Very powerful, riveting seminar. Witty, charming, and very, very informative."
Kathy Berreth
Admin. Support
"Mary was able to incorporate theory with real life situations."
"I feel very empowered with the tools and techniques Mary presented. Mary is an excellent speaker who was able to incorporate theory with real life situations. I highly recommend any program Mary presents."
Rebecca Nance
Sales Representative |
Part #5 - Go-To Technique for SYNERGIZING any intense situation in 30 seconds or less!
The technique for aligning any and all combinations of Color Styles that we are going to work with today is called: Matching & Mirroring. Richard Bandler and John Grinder first developed this technique through their Neuro-Linguistic Program referred to as NLP.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an approach to organizational change based on "a model of interpersonal communication chiefly concerned with the relationship between successful patterns of behavior and the subjective experiences (esp. patterns of thought) underlying them " and "a system of alternative therapy based on this which seeks to educate people in self-awareness and effective communication, and to change their patterns of mental and emotional behavior".
The co-founders, Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder, claimed it would be instrumental in "finding ways to help people have better, fuller and richer lives.” They coined the title to denote their belief in a connection between neurological processes ('neuro'), language ('linguistic') and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ('programming') and that can be organized to achieve specific goals in life.
The intent of Matching & Mirroring is to understand that each communication style is based on what a person values and how they think psychologically and neurologically. You will physically Match and Mirror the person you are interacting with which in turn, helps you to start tuning in to their personality style; how they think, how they like to learn, how they talk, what they like and don 't like.
It has nothing to do with greater than, less than caparisons. It's about the diversity of individual "wiring" for thinking, learning, understanding and the values that creates within each and everyone of us.
Here's your #1 Go-To Technique for SYNERGIZING any intense situation in 30 seconds or less!
Step 1: Get in Sync with Their Style! Match & Mirror their Language, Voice, Tone, Posturing & Attitude
Step 2: Get in the Driver's Seat - for heaven's sake, don't wait for someone else to do it! You be the one to Dial In their Color Style!
Step 3: Get an Attitude Adjustment! You can't have an attitude and keep it a secret! Give Up the need for right or wrong, good or bad about any situation and you begin the transformational process within seconds. Practice Suspending all Judgment for 30 seconds and experience the wonderful energetic shift it brings!
• And we will definitely go deeper on this in Session 1
Yes... Remember this, you can't fail at relationships, you can only get results. If you don't like the results you are getting, then it 's time to try something new! The real Power behind identifying the colors, is learning to take the risk of aligning yourself with people who are not like-minded with you.
The intent of this effort is to soften the hard mental constructs that we often use to deal with each other and our differences. |
"Don't hesitate to jump in for Mary's
Hot Seat Coaching."
"The second session of Connecting with Colors SYNERGIZE Your Life Program enlightened my knowledge and understanding of how to communicate with different personality styles effectively. A brief one-on-one Hot Seat coaching really brought the information home! Thank you!"
Margaret Ann Matich-Kaney
Harvard Graduate School of Design
"...made me laugh and was very helpful all at once!"
"Mary made me laugh and was very helpful all at once. I wish I could listen to her talk once a week."
Kristy Shahan
"Mary has made self-analysis challenging and yet painless."
Char Foster
West One Bank
"I feel the topics can be applied to further my career and life goals."
"I feel the topics discussed were in depth, real life situations that can be applied to further my career and life goals. The concepts were right on target."
Leficia Fernandez
Claims Sup.
"Mary is a great speaker. Giver her a raise!!!"
Lisa Marie Brown
Admin. Assist.
"She is extremely witty, charming and very, very informative."
"Mary is very dynamic and expressive. This was a very powerful, riveting seminar. She is extremely witty, charming and very, very informative."
Carol Schafer
Continental Pacific Bank
And the #1 resounding response exclaimed most often from the nearly 20,000 participants in Mary's presentations:
"Thank God for your presentation today. Now I know I'm not crazy!" |
In our 7-week Connecting with Colors Self-Paced, Home-Study Program you will:
FEEL the Relief of understanding the interplay between your Primary and Secondary Color Styles and how to align the two.
Activate your Color Style Power by gracefully DIALING IN each other's Color Styles.
Learn how to deal with difficult people and intense situations without having to "man-up" to get people to behave and stay-have!
Softening of other's defenses when it comes to having a heart-to-heart talk about problematic areas in need of improvement.
You will be able to "hold your own" energetically in intense situations.
Put an end to angry & negative backlash when you are just trying to help!
Be able to POP yourself out of any relational suffering from someone snubbing you or cutting off all communication with you by Dialing In their Color Style and immediately shifting your Attitudinal Energy and Tone that they feel coming from you.
Learn how to turn the counter-intuitive into transformative energy in 30 seconds or less!
Learning the strategic steps to easily TRANSITION and Heal all of your relationships in an easy, relaxed manner.
Sleep well at night because you've SYNERGIZED your relationship with every one within your circle of influence.
Immediately taking control of your communication with an easy to remember and use SKILL SET that gets you respect, regard and improves your credibility.
Being treated better, more respected, attracting people you truly enJOY, attract more professional advancement, more business, more money and feeling so confident and assured that you can manage and lead in any and all professional situations.
Experiencing the blessings of excellent health from your ability to communicate with ease and grace!
Reconnecting with your partner, improving your lovemaking, handling the issues that come up around differing sexual appetites and needs and DIALING IN your spouses Money Color Style to ALIGN your relationship on every important level.
RAISE (or teach) emotionally intelligent kids and enjoying a peaceful, fun, fulfilling home life.
Easily share with others in your circle of influence the transformational power of Intuitive
dialing-in and SYNERGIZING attitudinally.
Learn how to use COLOR styles in Sales to CLOSE SALES whether you are a professional sales person, in direct or network marketing, or simply wanting to SELL your husband on the idea that he wants to take you out for a romantic dinner & movie. This Session on Selling will can also be applied to SELLING your kids on the benefits of doing their homework, enjoying using their minds in constructive ways and keeping their rooms ready for friends to come over and play.
The CONFIDENCE that comes with being totally at ease with yourself and your ability to DIAL IN other people's Color Styles in an INSTANT!
Here's just a peek at what other's have said about my Connecting with Colors® Program for Accomplished, Heart-Connected Women and Evolved, Very Smart Men ...
"WOW! Your delivery of hard-hitting, focused, enlightening session
was exactly the message that we wanted presented..."
"On June 18, the newly formed Elkay Business Women's Organization officially surpassed our end-of-year membership goal by 65% ... due, in large part, to the energy generated by your dynamic presentation at our kick-off meeting! On the day following your interactive speech (Connecting with Colors) one of the e-mails that I received did an excellent job of summing up the general response. The one-word message (in large, bold-faced type) was: 'WOW!!'
In addition to the enthusiastic response to the evening speech to the Business Women's Organization, your "MasterMinding For Success"session at Elkay's Operations Council demonstrated your ability to reach and excite a group of corporate leaders who came to the presentation with a variety of experiences, challenges and agendas. Your creative, positive approach to innovative thinking and goal-setting was a hit! Several key people made the comment that you "commanded the room." They were right.
Most importantly, from my perspective as the co-leader and one of the initial founders of the Elkay Business Women's Organization, you made our new group "look good" to top corporate management! As the sponsor of your visit to Elkay, your delivery of a hard-hitting, focused, enlightening session was exactly the message that we wanted to present. Everyone who participated in the day's events left your interactive discussions with new ideas and a plan for growth and change.
Thanks for helping us plant the seeds for future success. We will definitely invite you back to share with us again!"
Deanne B. Brezette, C.P.M.
Purchasing Manager
Elkay Manufacturing |
This Color Styles Training walks accomplished heart-connecting women and evolved really smart men through EXACTLY how to
DIAL IN the Colors Personality Styles that Gets You More of
what you really want in EVERY relationship in your life
... and less of what you don't want!
As I've traveled the United States speaking and training over 20,000 people in just a short 2 year period with my "Colors" Personality Styles Program, I have found that our collective energy is now giving us a huge LIFT our businesses and our personal lives. And at the same time, we are about the work of a new spiritual consciousness of peace, love, harmony and good will in our own lives ...and the world.
There is a pull within us that is not leaving us alone! We are here at this time and place to make a world of difference.
What is the #1 thing that distracts us - as women and as men - from developing our gifts and talents to make progress in accomplishing our dreams?
Relational Conflict, Suffering and Distraction!
This UNIFYING and yet SIMPLE system for personality styles is now giving us a huge LIFT... in our businesses and our personal lives and at the same time we are about the work of a new spiritual consciousness of peace, love, harmony and good will in healing generational legacies of pain in our own lives ... and the world. There is a pull within us that is not leaving us alone! We are here at this time to make a world of difference.
AND this Program is for Accomplished Heart-Connecting Women (and Evolved Really Smart Men) in the audience, because it's time for us to show the world what we've got...starting with SYNERGIZING EVERY SINGLE RELATIONSHIP IN OUR LIVES so we are FREE to pursue our PURPOSE, PASSION & DREAMS.
"Synergy does not mean giving up what we want.
It means joining to co-create so each is able
to receive ever more of what attracts us
through joining rather than opposing."
-Barbara Marx Hubbard
So let me walk you through how you're going to get all of this amazing information.
You will receive a UClick&Play 90 minute Video Training Presentation of Color Styles with Connection Technique & Energy Illustration with User Friendly Quantum Field Theory research and stories for you to being right away SYNERGIZING even your most difficult of relationships!
BONUS: You will also receive an additional 2 hours of MP3s of my HILLARIOUS Live Performance with the Amazing Women from a Fortune 500 Company. A much different audience than the UClick&Play Training Presentation of Color Styles that you will enjoy. Burn it on a CD and bring me along with you as you go places! You will find yourself laughing out loud, right along with the audience!
SESSION 1: We will do a Recap of what you've learned in your 90 minute Video on Color Styles, Attitudinal Energy, how to DIAL-IN other people's Color Styles, how Quantum Field Theory observes that we are ALL connected. Then I'll walk you through all of the COLOR COMBOS which explains how Secondary Colors come into play. You will never have to feel like a Dr. Jekyll or Ms. Hyde ever again!
SESSION 2: How Color Styles come to WORK and HOME and how you can successfully DIAL IN with each other's Color Style. We will go through every Color Style with every other Color Style as to how get what you've been wanting from these people.
SESSION 3: How Color Styles work with PARENTING (and TEACHING) to raise and emotionally confident, capable and intelligent children. What you do when you see your kid struggling. Understand your kids Color Style AND Learning Styles so you can DIAL IN how they neurologically translate communication. Maybe you have never known what to do in those wonderful teachable moments - you will now!
SESSION 4: This Session is for 'TWEENS and TEENS and the ADULTS who live and work with them. We will go through how to understanding 'Tweens and Teens Color Styles in combination with EACH of the other Color Styles that will help them Hold Their Own in intense peer pressure type situations and come through it more confidently and empowered.
SESSION 5: LOVE, SEX & MONEY! How to reconnect with your partner, improve your lovemaking and dissolve and resolve your money issues so that you can enjoy the first two by understanding each person's Color Style in relationship to their partner's Color Style!
SESSION 6: LEADING & MANAGING the Color Style Way! Whether you are in a management position or whether you have just been voted in to be the Leader of some organization you will need to learn exactly how to get the BEST from the people you are working with. You will learn what works best with every single Color Style as it relates to Your Color Style.
SESSION 7: This session is truly for EVERYONE! Now whether or not you are in a professional SALES position, understand this: We are all in SALES! This session is of course for the person in network marketing, direct sales, Internet sales, any and all sales. You will learn why you have not been able to Close certain people because you are selling them from your Color Style instead of theirs. This session is also insightful for the woman who wants to SELL her spouse on the idea that he should take her out for a romantic movie and dinner as well as SELLING her Teenagers on the benefits of doing their homework and keeping their bedrooms in some kind of presentable order for when their friends come over to house!
"Our WHOLE group was extremely delighted and 100% service delighted."
"Our WHOLE group was extremely delighted with our speaker, Mary Robinson Reynolds. She is a very informed, personable and inspiring speaker. The material was presented with clarity, yet uplifting to all... Our group was 100% service delighted."
Donna Howard
Sprint Communications |
Here's EXACTLY what you will learn
as you go through the 7 Sessions
Session 1 - Color Styles, Attitudinal Energy, Vibe & Tone PLUS Color Combos: The Havoc
or the Alignment Your Secondary Color Style Can Make in your Life!
We will do a Recap of what you've learned in your 90 minute Video on Color Styles, Attitudinal Energy, how to DIAL-IN other people's Color Styles, how Quantum Field Theory observes that we are ALL connected.
The #1 Concern I hear from Men and Women is that they seriously struggle with reading and interpreting each other's Attitudinal Vibes... so I'm going to take you through "what to think" step-by-step so you can effectively shift the energy of any situation in 30 sec. or less!
Although there are a number of different scientific theories about exactly how we connect, most quantum physicists are coming to the same conclusion: matter and energy are essentially the same. From one side of the equation, connection is an energetic process in space/time. Thoughts are energy, and the physical universe is the direct expression, the direct result, of our individual and collective thoughts.
Deep inside each and every one of us, we know we have free will, and free will means creative license to be all that we can be ... or less than we are capable of.
Then, I'll walk you through all of the COLOR COMBOS which explains how Secondary Colors come into play. You will never have to feel like (or be labeled) a Dr. Jekyll or Ms. Hyde ever again!
I will explain the GIFT of your Color Combo and walk you through exactly "how" to ALIGN your secondary colors whether you have two or three opposing conversations going on in your mind.
You will learn ...
to understand how your thoughts reach out into the world either creating resistance or synergy with others.
you can transform negative energy in 30 seconds or less as you understand that your VIBES are speaking volumes, and most importantly, what you can do about it
how to interpret your Secondary Color from your Personality Style Profiles - PSPs.
how to ALIGN your Color Combos to bring you more confidence, grace and social / emotional ease and solidify your credibility, respect and regard with others.
Session 2 - How the 4 Color Styles Show Up at WORK & at HOME
How Color Styles Show Up WORK & at HOME and what you can do to DIAL-IN everyone's Color to SYNERGIZE anything and everything anyone can throw at you!
We break it down into every aspect of WORKING & LIVING TOGETHER.
This session is about all the different ways Color Styles come to WORK and go HOME and how you can successfully DIAL IN with each other's Color Style. We will go through every Color Style with every other Color Style as to how get what you've been wanting from these people.
In a perfect world, everybody would show up to work every day by leaving their personal problems at home where they belong, right?
Wrong. What really happens is that certain Color Styles are able to use work as the great escape from relationship problems at home, while other Color Styles bring their domestic problems to work for discussion (and possible solutions) with their colleagues.
Here's the thing about stepping up to bring this Color's information into your workplace... Learning about how to communicate in the workplace will greatly enhance how people function at home. When people communicate more skillfully at work, creating team synergy on a daily basis, it goes home with them. They start working through problems at home more effectively, with their spouse, kids, partner or roommates, and they show up at work, able and ready to do the job!
You will learn how to work BEST with EACH COLOR STYLE COMBINATION:
Blues, Greens, Reds & Yellows working closely with another Blue, Green, Red or Yellow
Blues, Greens, Reds & Yellows Problem Solving with a Blue, Green, Red or Yellow
Blues, Greens, Reds & Yellows with a Blue, Green, Red or Yellow's Time Perspective.
PLUS Home is where the Heart Lives
Someone also once said, "Home is where the rubber meets the road." Home is where we put what we are learning about the Color Styles into practice. Healthy living relationships enrich us. Learning to see people and situations in new ways can make our lives more peaceful and rewarding.
In this session we are going to look at "home" - how people live together, whether it be married couples, life partners, roommates or family units with kids. Regardless of the scenario, people we live with day in and day out become our "family," giving us the opportunity to establish a functional and enjoyable team atmosphere based on what we learn about Color Styles.
Home provides the perfect place to establish good team play together. When couples, partners roommates or families fail to participate with one another as a team, we see unskillful stuff happen that builds resentments, arguments, fussing and fighting. This does not create a restful, healthy environment in which to live.
Understanding each Color Style's vulnerabilities is the first step to re-organizing our home lives at a higher level. Why certain "team" members are not doing their part in ways that would seem normal to you is a neurological wiring issue based on personality style. Asking for what we really want and need from each other, and not getting it, is often the result of two team members essentially speaking foreign languages - based on two different color styles.
Home is the place where we can create meaningful, healthy and positive relationships that carry us forward into the world to fulfill our life's work, purpose and passion.
So rather than experiencing emotional build ups and melt downs, let's put on our investigative hats and start communicating in the same language, attitude and tone to synergistically create a home that is a place of rest, rejuvenation and harmonious, enjoyable relating.
Our home is the place we go to rejuvenate, rest, dine, connect with those we love, enjoy and/or have chosen to live with. If our home situation is always in upset or chaos, then we will struggle on all levels: mentally, emotionally and physically.
So this session is all about co-habitating together as a TEAM. For emotionally healthy and positive living environments, strides must be taken to motivate house members to behave in ways that are highly beneficial to all. After all, when you think of it, there is no "I" in team.
You'll learn how to LIVE with:
Blues, Greens, Reds & Yellows at HOME
Blues, Greens, Reds & Yellows and how to THINK Home Team Advantage
and how each Color Style converses at dinner time, does the dishes, washes the car, takes care of household chores and responsibilities
Session 3- the 4 Color Styles of Parents and/or Teachers living
with and working with Today's 'Tween & Teen
We will cover how Color Styles work with PARENTING (and TEACHING) to raise and emotionally confident, capable and intelligent children.
You will discover what you do when you see your kid struggling. Understand your kids Color Style AND Learning Styles so you can DIAL IN how they neurologically translate communication.
Maybe you have never known what to do in those wonderful teachable moments - you will now!
A Parent /Teacher goal with "Tweens /Teens is to understanding "your" Color Style and "theirs" as to how to defuse emotional intensity, emotional build up and emotional melt downs quickly. You will be able to create a loving, harmonious experience and bridge understanding throughout all of your day-to-day interactions by tuning-in to what's really going on with you kid.
For each Color Style Parent and/or Teacher, I will explain exactly what needs to be communicated to each Color Style "Tween and Teen, to dramatically, if not instantly, improve how well you are connecting with them.
The "Tween and Teen years can be the most amazing, wonderful time of your life with them. I know this for a fact because I've personally worked successfully with thousands of young people in this age group. Take this information to heart, apply it and put it into practice daily. My wish for you is a relationship of absolute love and joy with your "Tween and Teen.
As we get started, you will discover that how you see your "Tweens/Teens behavior up to now has most likely been through your own Color Style "eyes" and is how you are inadvertently labeling - either positively or negatively. Change your descriptions of the label with your new Color Style understanding and you change the outcome.
The Rule of Thumb here is: See with new eyes of understanding as we go through each of the Color Style scenarios and recommendations.
You will learn...
each 'Tween/Teen Color Style as it relates to the Adult Color Style.
how to instill effective Color Style Communication with your 'Tween & Teen
each 'Tween/Teen LEARNING Style as it relates to their Color Style.
what to "think" differently, "say" differently and "hear" differently about each Color Style 'Tween/Teen and their communication back to you.
what's the best thing you can think, say, do and ask when you see your kid struggling.
how to empower your 'Tween/Teen in those teachable moments.
Session 4 - Color Style EMPOWERMENT for 'Tweens & Teens and the Adults
who live and work with them.
Bring yourself and your 'Tweens & Teens to this Call!
This Session is for every parent or teacher no matter how old their kids / students are now. Trust me on this, it's going to help with your Adult Kids as well as little little kids!
Learning Color Styles is a simple tool to helping youth learn to become their own best friend, override negative self-talk, and have a belief system that encourages personal responsibility.
This Session is the ultimate resource for any kid who's ever been picked on at school, bossed around, blamed for things he or she didn't do, or treated unfairly - and for any kid who sometimes feels frustrated, angry, powerless, or scared.
Understanding the Color Styles will help your 'tween or teen not have to ride an emotional rollercoaster wondering what their peers or thinking or saying - getting their feelings hurt from simple Color Style understanding and navigating the rough waters of adolescence.
Color Styles and simple one-liners show how kids how they can DIAL IN other's Colors and HOLD their SPACE with other kids (including bullies and teasers), big sisters and brothers, even grown-ups.
With simply understanding the Color Styles, kids learn how to build relationships, become responsible, manage their anger, grow a "feelings vocabulary," make good choices, solve problems, set goals, and "store" happiness and pride.
A special note to parents and teachers explores the "self-esteem backlash" and explains what self-esteem really is - and why kids today need it more than ever.
You and Your 'Tween & Teen will learn:
that learning the Color Styles takes the worry out of what other people may or may not be thinking about you when it's most likely their Color Style.
how "Tweens and Teens Can Succeed with the 4 Color Styles at School & Home.
how to HOLD Your Own power without being inflammatory to others.
what's the best thing you can think, say, do and ask in intense situations.
how to navigate the social emotional waters of peer and adult pressure.
Session 5 - Love, Sex & Money in the 4 Color Styles
Love, Sex & Money:
Are you in struggling in Love, or feeling out of sync with your partner sexually? Do you have too many quarrels about money?
Learn what's really going on Color wise and put an end to the silent disconnection and suffering!
Statistics tell us that half of all marriages end in divorce, and the percentage is even higher in second marriages. As a society we are able to leave marriages more easily than ever before, and I will cover what it will take to learn how to stay connected and make more love and have less conflict in this Session.
I discovered personality styles nearly 15 years ago after years of suffering through the intimacy conflicts in my first marriage. When I was newly remarried, to my now husband, is when I started learning about personality styles. It was a second marriage for us both and early on it was not going well.
As do many couples today, we had both experienced significant abandonment issues and had been raised with verbally, physically and attitudinally hurtful parenting styles.
When we married, we were blending a family of three children, two from his first, and one from my previous marriage. Every color combination was in play and as we were both getting our minds around the Colors, we began settling down, understanding each other more, and hurting each other less.
We are still married today because of the comfort and understanding the Color Styles offered us in developing compassion and understanding for each other so we can experience the sexual intimacy that marriage is intended to offer.
In building our business together, working side by side every single day, it is a constant in our daily communication, work and play: our Love Connection.
In this Session, I'm going to learn
how each of the 4 colors functions within the intimacy of the Love Connection
how each of the 4 colors thinks, feels and relates sexually
how each of the 4 colors thinks about money and handles their money
what to do if your mate's color style sexual drive is polar opposite to yours
what to do if your mate's color style money management makes you crazy
...and more!
We all know how to leave relationships about learning some really excellent information about how we can stay and play and have some fun?!
Session 6 - Leading & Managing the 4 Color Styles
Why would this session be important to a person who is not currently in a management position or leading?
First of all, to quote Bryan Tracy, "You are the CEO of your own service organization at all times."
Second of all, most women for example manage what goes on at the home front, and some role of responsibility at work whether they are paid for it or not and ...
Third, it is not uncommon for an accomplished individuals to be voted in to be the Director of an organization that she previously volunteered at, OR to be promoted in the company they work for only to find that LEADING requires a greater degree of Color Style Alignment.
In a new Leading and/or Managerial position you will have to be able to Hold Your Space with some of the Color Styles that may have previously been challenging and that you avoided. In a leading position, avoidance will not work.
Professionally, how well you manage others directly relates to the message you send out to the population from which you draw your organization, customers, clients or patients.
This is the number one reason why the study of Color Styles becomes so increasingly relevant for the way you work with people, because this understanding must also reach out into your community and/or customer base.
Your security and advancement is dependent on how well you are able to integrate your strengths with the best strengths of each of the other Color Styles.
There is an Art to great LEADING and management of people, which has to do with applying what you know about personality and using it in a way that harnesses people's inherent talents and strengths to create an environment that is synergistic, where everyone wants to succeed in a self-directed fashion, striving to reach optimal performance.
You will learn ...
how to best manage each person's Color Style in relation to your own Color Style.
a scientific and humanistic approach - both of which are intended to help expand your awareness of personality and its effects on every aspect of human behavior.
how to use this information to enhance the quality of your interactions and increase your tolerance for differences.
that rather than focusing on the negatives or deviations, to look for similarities, and find ways to utilize the Strengths each person offers.
the Management Styles of each Color Style as it relates to each colleagues or subordinate's Color Style.
the best performance Correction One Liner for each Color Style as it relates to each subordinate's Color Style.
how to create teams of people who complement each other, enjoy working together and produce exceptional results.
"Mary's PSP's help us understand why we ACT the way we do"
"I am learning a TON! Thanks to Mary Robinson Reynolds Connecting With Colors Personality Styles Program. I am having the time of my life! I am so filled with energy everyday discovering who I am Personality Color Style ~wise! And I'm helping friends and family SYNERGIZE too! Mary's PSP's tool helps us understand why we ACT the way we do and or the reasons why we REACT the way we do. It’s like a LIGHT has dawned upon me and everyone I share this with. As a Certified Facilitator I am learning all about how ‘attitudes' are not hidden, and how attitudinal energy works! How our attitudinal energy in our lives affect others, and the BONUS is how we can turn difficult circumstances and situations into energizing, synergizing OPPORTUNITIES to Grow & Enhance our very lives! Woot! Woot! I knew I needed a CHANGE and I was praying to find the way to bring needed change into my life. Then Viola! CWC came into my world. Now I have New Direction, a New Attitude, a New Lease on my Life, and I am so filled with energy I want to run all around the world and share this New Discovery! Talk about a way to World Peace, ha! I hope many will take the time to discover CWC for themselves, you're worth it baby..."
Deborah Fischer |
Session 7 - Color Styles in Sales
Color Styles and Selling
Why be interested in this call if you aren't a sales person?
Let's be honest about sales: We are all in sales!
As a small child wanting a toy in the store, you started selling like your short little life depended on it. As a teenager wanting the keys to the car to go to meet your friends at the mall, you were selling like living until tomorrow depended on it. You ask the girl for your dreams out on that first date, you are in sales! You want your husband to take you to the movies, you are in sales. You want to "get lucky" tonight, you are in sales!
How successful you were in getting any of these things had everything to do with your desire, your belief that they should say "yes" and your ability to talk your "prospect's" language in attitude and tone.
An Unskilled Sales Scenario: The prospective buyer desperately needs what you have to offer in products, services or in an opportunity to be making more money.
You give your best pitch and delivery - from "your" Color Style using "your" Language with "your" Attitudinal Vibe and Tone - and still no sale. What went wrong? Why no sale?
The reason is simple: they don't understand you. To the prospect you are speaking a foreign language. Do you speak fluent Italian?
Everything you thought was important just doesn't matter to an Italian, until you learn to speak the Italian language and understand the Italian body language, gestures, attitudinal vibe and tone.
Yes, the chances are good that you as you looked in the prospective buyer's eyes, you"d notice that "the lights were on but nobody was home," and that you were trying to educate them about your product, service or opportunity from "your" color not "their" color.
Instead, you must take the Connecting with Colors language and attitude to heart and become "skilled" at Color Style selling.
The only way to become a selling consummate salesperson is to practice guesstimating what Color Style you think your prospects are within moments of meeting them. You practice daily until you become instantly "in tune" with each person you meet. You'll find that this one simple, straightforward selling skill alone makes selling so much more enjoyable and as easy as if it all happened by itself.
Because of the Internet, purchasers today are more savvy about their buying decisions and more aware of undue pressure being put upon them. "Old school" sales tactics which use mental and emotional power to force and manipulate people into buying ("We only have so many in stock. We are running out. Hurry, hurry, hurry, decide now!") use fear to motivate the buyer.
The use of "take-aways" as a means of pressuring people into buying on the spot (Someone else will get it if you don't buy it NOW!") may work with only one of the Color Styles, and then only with unsophisticated, emotional purchasers who will most likely end up returning it anyway.
It's imperative to identify the Color Style of your prospective buyer and to know what incentives will work with that style by speaking their language so they can make an informed decision. But first it's essential to know your own Color Style characteristics as a seller.
You will learn...
how each of the 4 Color Style Sales persons prefer to sell and why that does not work, as we examine...
how each of the 4 Color Style customers / prospects prefer to be sold to
what your 4 Color customers / prospects are thinking when you are trying to sell them in your Color Style
the Unskillful vs Skillful Color Style selling techniques for each Color Style in areas of direct sales, networking and opportunity meetings.
"You have given us the competitive edge we were looking for!"
"I am writing to you today to express my appreciation for such a wonderful seminar that you put on for our employees. The reason that this comes belated, is that I believe to truly assess the impact of any seminar is to see how long the employees retain, and use the presented material. I can now say, honestly, that you did a fabulous job, as our employees are still using and enjoying the material you presented.
In the automotive business, where understanding the customer becomes paramount in all of our departments, your seminar hit the mark. We knew we had to find a way to effectively communicate to our customers to remain profitable in such a competitive atmosphere as the retail automotive business is, and your Connecting with Color's Training did just that, in fact Mary, you have given us the competitive edge we were looking for. Thank you."
Daniel J. Morris
Dealer Operations Manager
Dave Hamilton Autodealership |
So now you may be wondering, "Mary, how EXACTLY
are you going to teach me to..."
neutralize negative energy and not have to "man-up" about it
how to have, keep and enforce my personal boundaries
how to dismantle oppositional behaviors in others
re-connect with those people who have cut off all communication
bring peace and harmony to my loved ones
...All with feminine grace and ease. that I can enjoy the kind of consistent results and ability to get out there and make a difference that you have?''
Valid question!
Here's my answer...
I've designed this training to go much deeper than one of those "in-a-box" info products that gets you all excited and then leaves you alone to struggle your way through finding the time and the focus to get going. Sorry, I care too much to do that to you.
I'm going to hold your hand all the way through this one. It's not okay with me for you to do anything but SYNERGIZE all of your relationships with ease, grace and from your most feminine self.
Seven 75-minute Course Sessions & Seven 75-minute Q&A / Coaching Sessions with Mary,
including guided practices, exercises and break out group connections:
In these downloadable seminars with Mary, you'll discover the principles and practices of Connecting with Colors teachings including the 7 Life Areas. Each week of the program is designed to guide you, step-by-step into SYNERGIZING every relationship and every area of your life.
In these rich sessions, Mary dialogues with individuals from all corners of the globe, discussing the Connecting with Colors principles as they apply to one's own unique personal life situation and experience.
Many participants report that the Group coaching, role play and Q&A part of the sessions are an incredibly valuable way to download the concepts more readily, thereby shortening your learning curve considerably. You will be able to instantly access the recordings of all of the course sessions at your Online Dashboard (listen online or download the mp3 files to your iPod or audio player).
What you will receive:
Connecting with Colors® UClick&Play Video Program
90 minute Live Performance that you can just Click&Play for your training needs. Do-It-Yourself Training Program designed to teach the basic principles found in the Connecting with Colors program.
Seven 75-Minute Audio Course Sessions Facilitated by Mary
Each session will teach you, step-by-step, the practical Color Personality Style tools and techniques you will need to SYNERGIZE Your Life. You'll discover the principles and practices of Connecting with Colors® Personality Style teachings, including Secondary Colors and the 7 Life Areas.
Seven LIVE 90-Minute Q&A Sessions with Mary
You hear how Mary answers the questions that her participants ask about each session's teachings over the 7 week course. Many participants report that the Q&A + 1:1 Coaching sessions are the best part of the course!
Fourteen LIVE 30-Minute Interactive Sessions with Your Learning Community
After listening to the Course Session you will listen in on the 30-minute interactive session where individuals share what they are learning and the life-changing insights they are receiving.
Experiential Assignments for Each Session
To guide and support you through these transformative processes, Mary has created weekly practice and experiential assignments that will empower you to SYNERGIZE every important relationship in your life.
You'll be able to share your experience with your CWC online community at your access dashboard, and get the feedback, encouragement, and support you need to step into limitless love, prosperity and joy.
Audio Recording of Each Week's Session to Download at Your Convenience
Download the audio recording of each week's course to listen to at your convenience. You can listen to Mary lead each weekly session from your computer anytime or download it onto your MP3 player, burn it on a CD to bring along with you in your car or if you still have a CD fanny pack player!
PDF Transcripts of Each Session
PDF transcripts are a great resource to go back and quickly reference key concepts covered in the course sessions in your Connecting with Colors: SYNERGIZE Your Life Manual. If you prefer to follow along with a written format, you'll love these downloadable lesson transcripts.
"Session 8 - Listen in on a MasterMinding Experience with
Mary, the MasterMinding Maven® Extraordinare!
- to learn how to formulate Relationship Goals & Requests
for situations that require additional support and assistance."
Most people don't know that they can MasterMind about their relationships!
My system of MasterMinding is designed to quickly move you through those areas where you are stuck because of fear and old, worn out paradigms.
I will bring you into the MasterMind experience and then teach you how to formulate specific relationship Improvement Goals and Requests to help you get to the Heart of what you are wanting to communicate and connect about with your loved ones. Rather than force you into futile accountability, you will learn how to truly listen to your own inner guidance system - IGS.
When two or more minds come together, the result is greater than the sum of its parts. Having several people focus on how you can actualize your intentions is like lightning in a bottle - incredibly powerful stuff!
This bonus is super amazing and life changing!
(Considering my coaching time is valued at well over $1,000 per session with a 4 session minimum requirement, this is a HUGE value.)
Self Paced - Begin Today!
Manage Your Own Timeline.
You will receive IMMEDIATE Access to your Online Dashboard
with all 7 Modules.
So now you're probably wondering, "What's this going to cost me?"
Here it is plain and simple. I'm practical.
My husband, a Wharton Business grad with a Masters degree, always puts it to me this way: "What's it going to COST you (he means "us") to NOT do this?"
I love what my health and fitness coach says to me when I over-think it ..."If not now, when?"
This is more than you knowing all the ways that this will SYNERGIZE Your Entire Life, advance your career and increase your income .This is about feeling confident, poised and grace-filled no matter what situation you are in AND be making a world of difference by modeling to others how EFFECTIVE they too can be in communicating using the Color Style Skill Set.
I don't have to sit here and tell you that the teleseries alone is easily worth $397 (which is the investment, by the way).
I'm not going to compare it to the cost of having Starbucks every day or that it's less than one expensive name brand purse or pair of designer shoes.
So given that, it would be ridiculous for me to go into a long rant about the value of what you have access to here but I am going to tell you something that I HOPE will make a difference in your life and the lives of those you care about ...
The Cruel Frog Experiment
Several experiments involving the recording the reaction of frogs to slowly heated water took place in the 19th century, which even though cruel, illustrates what can happen when we live an unexamined life:
Phase 1 of the experiment: The scientists dropped a frog into scalding water. The frog jumped out immediately, and saved its own life by doing so. You and I would do the same. If we find ourselves in extreme pain or imminent danger, we will flee immediately.
Phase 2 of the experiment: was to put the frog in a pan with tepid water and place the pan on a burner. The fire under the pan was turned up ever so slowly, until ultimately it was boiling. The frog did not jump out and ultimately died.
This animal cruelty experiment illustrates that in NOT doing anything productive about difficult people or challenging life situations we literally set ourselves up for undesirable experiences.
What might happen if you started to deal directly with the people or situations in your life that are giving you the most challenge right now?
The Catch-22 - what" going on in currently undesirable - BUT - if we speak up using the current SKILL SET we've been using, it's possible that it's going to possibly get more undesirable ... Right?
Here are some poisonous Frog Speak Reasons we tell ourselves to let well enough alone...
I am powerless to change things.
I have no control anyway, why bother?
This is just too hard.
There will be backlash - hell to pay!
They will turn it around on me and tell me I"m the crazy one.
It takes too much time and energy to bother with this person. They are impossible.
What's the use, they will never change.
I hate upsetting anyone when asking them to change.
And the most debilitating of them all, in Frog Speak
Frog Reactions: Some of the current ways we've been handling difficult people and situations in the present and past that are not working is that we ...
Get angry
Get in people's faces
Emotionally check out
Minimize or bypass it all together
Use blame, shame, guilt and our disappointment to get them to GET IT
Become invisible
I think you can see that it's a Catch-22.
So in that way we are like the frog but the undercurrents are always there with the potential to heat up and affect our healthy, energy and state of mind because we"re not doing anything to remedy the situation because we don't have the knowledge.
I know what it means to be a FROG … in just 4 short years, my life went from an successful educator to feeling like someone was running their fingernails down the blackboard of my soul.
In 1984, I lost my first child at birth; a year later I had a high-risk pregnancy which resulted in a healthy birth of a beautiful boy. The next year, I divorced my husband; the year after that I moved to a new state, and when all of my job prospects and interview feel through, I was then a single mother of a two year old burned out and living on pennies. With the precious exception of my son, I had everything in my life that I had never wanted to have happen.
LIFE WAS DEMANDING that I BE more, to BE empowered; not that I expend myself more than I already was.
That's where the Color Styles information comes in ...
DO YOU just WISH the difficult people in your life would change so you don't have to?
DO YOU want to run out to your family and friends and make them take this test so they know what's going on between the two of you?
We can talk about what people are and aren't doing all day long every single day and nothing will change. The only person with the power is YOU. The power to learn more, to go deeper and gain even more understanding
While the 4 Color Styles information from my FREE VIDEO TRAINING SERIES and my Complimentary TeleCall Connecting with Colors: 30 Seconds to SYNERGIZE EVERY Relationship in Your Life is transformative in and of itself, IF YOU THAT WOULD LIKE TO GO DEEPER, there is MORE that you can learn and do to POSITIVELY TURNAROUND those people and those situations that LIFE OFFERs us, and make a lasting difference. |
This is about more than you knowing all the ways that you can SYNERGIZE every single one of your relationships, this is about feeling strong, confident, poised and grace-filled knowing you're able to serve and share your greatness AND be making a world of difference by using and enjoying your Dialed-In Color Style Power & Wisdom to transform anything unlike what is healthy for the greater good.
Plus, You'll also by protected by my
Connection Turns Me Into We = SYNERGY
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We're confident that you will be thrilled with my Connecting with Colors®: SYNERGIZE Your Life Program. We also know that if you follow the steps and do the work, you will have a life-transforming experience.
Just to back that up, we'll give you a 100% equivalent CREDIT up to 3 days after your purchase. Use this credit towards any of my electronic products or my future events within one year. Please note that, because this digital product includes instant access to all videos, audio recordings, transcripts, templates, scripts and materials, no cash refunds can be granted. But again, we're happy to offer you a full credit toward any electronic product or future event within one year.
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Yes Mary! I'm Ready To Shine My Light and Make A Positive Difference.
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Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. The testimonials are not intended to guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, character, dedication, desire, and motivation. The advice given herein is not intended to take the place of treatment by health professionals as needed, such as physicians and psychologists.
Our policy on all of our electronic products is this: we give a 100% equivalent CREDIT up to 3 days after your purchase. Use this credit towards any of my electronic products or my future events within one year. Please note that, because this digital product includes instant access to all videos, audio recordings, transcripts, templates, scripts and materials, no cash refunds can be granted. But again, we're happy to offer you a full credit toward any electronic product or future event within one year.