Take Any of the Personality Style Profiles (PSP's)
Select the Assessment Category to Begin. You will need an Access Code to get into the PSP.
OR: Click on one of the Life Area buttons above to Purchase the PSP Test of Your Choice |
PSP Individualized Full Analysys Reports include:
- Your Scores on all Four Colors and, if you have a secondary color, your Secondary Color to understand your Color Combo.
- Specific "How to's" Individualized for You to Get What You Want with Everyone's Color Style.
- A bar graph showing you what you scored in all 4 Color Styles.
- A Comprehensive Analysis containing up to 20 pages of customized content that describes your individual Personality Color Style in depth.
- A description of your Strengths, Intellect, Motto, Problematic Area & Quirk.
- Basic descriptions of the other Personality Color Styles as they apply to your Color Style.
- If you have a secondary color, knowledge of your Secondary Color and how it affects being taken seriously or being highly regarded.
- Personal development tips for you to consider about how best to align your Color Combos to significantly improve your credibility.
- Decision Makers investing in quantity tests for their entire group will receive the Group Analysis chart to determine how to DIAL IN the Color Styles to SYNERGIZE for peaceful productivity.
- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee or your money back!
I took your Work Personality Style Profile - PSP and what a hoot! It is sooooo accurate. In fact, my co-worker told me yesterday that when I first came in for my job interview, I walked into the office and announced, "I'm here!" True story, that is what she said, and now I take your test and it says the exact same thing!
Love that it says my mission is about smiles, since I share that message through The Laugh Academy. So glad I took your Work PSP. So glad I have you in my world. I watched the video clip you posted on your Connecting with Colors book promotion page, and on it you stated that Yellow's motto is: "If it's not fun, I'm not doing it." Those are my EXACT words when it comes to volunteering. Freakishly accurate...
Nancy Weil
www.TheLaughAcademy.com |
Select the Profile Category above to Begin
your purchase and you will receive your
Secure Access Code
to go take your Personality Style Profile-PSP
Why 7 Different PSPs - Personality Style Profiles? As you will discover, there are those who actually change their predominant COLORs depending on the situation or state of mind that they are in. People can be one way at work, because of the demands of the job, position or title, then when they head for home, they put on a different "hat" so to speak. Not everyone does this, but it is a good way to determine the preferences that you are automatically shifting in to.
Work relationships, Customer Sales and Leading through Management ... Love relationships, Home environment with its variety of relationships, from the various living arrangements, roommates, to family, i.e., Teens & 'Tweens both from the Parents' / Teachers' and the teen's point of view, there are the 7 Life Area categories where shifts often occur as to "Who" we are and "How" we are showing up!
Click on Graphics below to see SAMPLE REPORTS
Life offers us a range of habitual responses based on what's being required of us to grow, change or improve.
Take the PSP in the Area of Life that is problematic for you and begin understanding what's really going on and most importantly, what YOU CAN DO to TOTALLY transform the situation SYNERGISTICALLY and get more of what you want and less of what you don't want!
When you order PSP Access Codes in any category, you can have this FREE Team SYNERGY Builder Dashboard to:
- Keep track of every Access Code and
- See and Sort every test taken
- by type of test taken
- by Color scores
- by name of person who took it
- by GROUP, which you can create in an infinite variety of ways to organize and select your reports.
You can generate the PDF Report for every test taken with your Access Codes with one click.
You can also CONTROL who gets the email after each test is taken: You, the person taking the test, or both of you.
Click to View Dashboard Demo Video
- Get a Report (color pdf for printing out) with content customized to explain your Personality Type and Secondary Type, if you have one (18 to 40+ Pages, depending on the test are and your test results.)
- Learn so much more about what's GREAT about you: your Strengths, Intellect, Motto, Problematic Areas and interesting Quirks!
- Learn how important your Secondary Color Style - your Color Combo - is to your being taken seriously.
- Learn how to best establish credibility with each of the other Color Styles to start getting more of what you want in your relationships and less of what you don't want.
- Take the Personality Style Profile assessments in any one, or all, of the 7 Life Areas.
- Get the "Team Synergizer" Report Dashboard giving you full information on every member of your team!
A BIG Thank you to the entire staff at JA Counter & Associates, Inc. WWW.JACOUNTER.COM for using Connecting with Color Personality Style assessments over the past 12 years in their company; and letting us observe the power of their individual and collective willingness to learn, have new insights and to show us all how to be vulnerable with each other for the sole purpose of team synergy and making a positive difference.
This group shows us what being authentically powerful and synergistic relationships CAN in fact look like. The most important part here is that the CONNECTING with Color Personality Styles allows everyone the lightness to be able to easily laugh at themselves AND WITH each other. The energy among this group was constructive, productive, warm and healthy. If we would just get more of this around our communities and world, everything would be better. This wonderful group of women exemplify generosity, accommodation and good will throughout the office.
And that, folks, is how you build into a highly productive work place and phenomenally lucrative business.
Again, thank you ALL for the positive difference you are making... and for being a living example of what humanity can in fact BE!
In our vulnerable moments, we are most powerful.
- Mary Robinson Reynolds
JA Counter & Associates, Inc.
Core Values
Expect far more from ourselves than we do from others.
A pioneer with the courage to take reasonable risk.
Inspiring excellence and success.
Leading with integrity and wisdom.
Fanatical attention to service, consistency and detail.
Core Purpose To make a difference.
BHAG* - Become a company most known for contributing to the success of others.
Vivid Description
Build a company that provides relief to consumers. Solutions will be sought after by our peers and achieve significant market share. We will be the healthiest most desired place to work. Employees will be willing to work hard because they want to. Both employees and customers will feel like we have contributed to their lives in a positive way. A staff that's engaged and connected to the outcome of the company, our client's needs, and their peers. Will serve as light workers by guiding them through consistent, repeatable and effective processes to reduce extra overhead and increase productivity.
*BHAG (pronounced BEE-hag): Big Hairy Audacious Goal